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  1. La prison de Hamelin, aussi connu sous le nom de Stockhof, est une prison à Hamelin, en Allemagne. Elle se situe entre la vieille ville et la Weser. Aujourd'hui, un hôtel est installé dans les bâtiments pénitentiaires répertoriés.

  2. Hamelin Prison, also known as the Stockhof, was a prison and penitentiary in Hamelin. The penal institution, which had a predecessor since 1698, existed from 1827 to 1980. It was located between the old town and the river Weser. The listed prison buildings are now used as a hotel.

  3. From 1945 to 1949, Hamelin Prison was the central location for the execution by hanging of 156 war criminals sentenced by the British Military Tribunals, as well as an additional 44 persons sentenced to death for other post-war crimes against the occupying powers. The prison was closed in 1955 and re-opened in 1958 as a detention centre for ...

  4. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la ville est occupée par les unités de la 9e Armée américaine. La prison de Hamelin a été utilisée par les forces d'occupation britanniques pour emprisonner des criminels de guerre allemands. Plus de 200 d'entre eux y ont été pendus, dont Irma Grese et Josef Kramer.

  5. L’arrivée des Alliés en Allemagne clôture sa triste carrière : arrêté parmi d’autres, il comparaît devant un tribunal britannique. Le procès s’ouvre en Septembre 1945. Deux mois de débats suffisent à le condamner. Le 13 Décembre, il est pendu dans une prison de Hamelin.

  6. All were subsequently executed on the gallows in a purpose-built room at Hamelin Prison on 13 December 1945 at roughly half-hour intervals. The women were hanged individually, the men in pairs.

  7. 14 janv. 2021 · A court in Graz, Austria, sentenced her to three years in prison for her crimes in Ravensbrück (her deeds in Majdanek were not yet known). After her release, she worked in hotels and restaurants, before meeting and marrying an American citizen, Russell Ryan, and moving to the US in 1959.