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Timbuktu est un film dramatique franco-mauritanien de 2014, réalisé par Abderrahmane Sissako, qui dépeint la vie sous l'occupation islamiste du Mali. Le film a remporté plusieurs prix, dont le Prix du jury œcuménique et le Prix François-Chalais à Cannes, et a été nommé à l'Oscar du meilleur film en langue étrangère.
- Abderrahmane Sissako
- Arches FilmsLes Films du Worso
- Abderrahmane SissakoKessen Tall
- Timbuktu
Tombouctou est une ville historique du Mali, située près du fleuve Niger et du désert du Sahara. Elle est connue pour ses manuscrits, ses monuments et sa culture, et est inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Timbuktu is an ancient city in Mali, famous for its Islamic scholarship and trade. Learn about its origins, golden age, decline, and recent threats from extremist groups.
Home of the prestigious Koranic Sankore University and other madrasas, Timbuktu was an intellectual and spiritual capital and a centre for the propagation of Islam throughout Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries. Its three great mosques, Djingareyber, Sankore and Sidi Yahia, recall Timbuktu's golden age. Although continuously restored, these ...
Il y a 4 jours · Timbuktu is a city in Mali with a rich Islamic and trading heritage. Learn about its origins, mosques, scholars, and explorers in this article from Britannica.
- The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
22 févr. 2019 · Learn about the history and significance of Timbuktu, a city in Mali, West Africa, that was a major trade centre of the Mali Empire. Discover how Timbuktu became a centre of Islamic learning and a source of mystery for European explorers.
25 juil. 2018 · Timbuktu was a center of Islamic scholarship and trade in West Africa from the 13th to 16th centuries. Learn about its three mud-and-timber mosques, its priceless manuscripts, and its challenges of preservation and tourism.
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