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  1. Cartman, de son vrai nom Nicolas-Bonaventure Ciattoni, né le 7 septembre 1978 à Ghisonaccia (Haute-Corse), est un animateur radio, comédien, animateur de télévision, humoriste, chanteur, musicien et producteur français. Il est également connu sous les noms de personnages fictifs qu'il a créés : Sébastien Patoche et Jimmy Foxtrot.

    • 7 septembre 1978 (45 ans)Ghisonaccia, France
    • Nicolas-Bonaventure Ciattoni
    • Française
    • CartmanSébastien PatocheJimmy Foxtrot
  2. C’est officiel, Cartman ne fera pas son retour à la radio à la rentrée. Pour autant, l’animateur ne va pas se reposer sur ses lauriers. En effet, il se lance dans une nouvelle aventure professionnelle. Comédien, chanteur, musicien…. Cartman ne manque pas de talents, ni d’ambition.

    • Background
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • Family
    • Relationships
    • Trivia
    • Absences
    • Video Games

    Concept and Creation

    According to the creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they thought it would be impossible to put a character like Archie Bunker on late-20th century television. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine (formerly eight) year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Thus, Cartman was born. Contrary to popular belief that Cartman's name was derived from German war-pilot Erich Hartmann (which would reflect his love of Hitler and the Nazis), Cartman's name and personality are based on Matt Karpman, a friend of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Karpman was known for being slightly overweight, short, very obnoxious and skilled with his verbal comebacks. According to their mutual friend Jonathan Korty, Trey came up with the name Cartman during a Super Bowl party on 29 January 1995. The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Frosty had been completed back in 1992 and "The Fat Kid" needed a name. Trey was sitting in a corner quietly watching Karpman and their other friends trash talk during the game when one person said, "Shut up Karpman". Trey suddenly blurted out, "Cartman! That’s the perfect name for The Fat Kid." Karpman's retorts against that further convinced Trey that "The Fat Kid" had to be named Cartman. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have repeatedly stated that Cartman is their ultimate favorite of all the characters in the show. Although Cartman is initially modeled after Archie Bunker, Toni Johnson-Woods, author of Blame Canada: South Park and Contemporary Culture, says that she believes Cartman also draws parallels to Jackie Gleason of The Honeymooners, and Fred Flintstone.


    Over the course of the series, Cartman managed to accomplish a wide range of achievements more than any other character of South Park. Some of them are a success or failure: •"Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods" - Wins the Cheesy Poofs singing commercial contest. However, he only got one line ("Lame") in the commercial. (Successful/Failure) •"The Red Badge of Gayness" - Tries to win a bet over Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski, so that they have to be his slaves for a month. Failure, although he did manage to manipulate an entire army of drunken Confederate Civil War actors to almost split apart the US, and never got punished in any way for it (Failure). •"Cartman Joins NAMBLA" - Proves himself that he is "mature" and becomes NAMBLA's poster-child, unaware they were pedophiles and only interested on account of his youth. (Successful/Failure) •"Scott Tenorman Must Die" - Had Scott Tenorman's parents killed, grounded them up into chili, and fed it to their son. (Success, and Failure seeing as he kills his biological father doing this but that did not seem to bother him when he found out) •"Cartmanland" - Bought the theme park with one million dollars he inherited from his grandmother. After selling it back to the original owner, he blew all his money. (Failure) •"Red Hot Catholic Love" - Proved to Kyle that it is possible to defecate out of the mouth after putting food up the anus. (Successful Failure, although he proved to Kyle that his theory worked, Kyle congratulated Cartman which ruined his true intentions: Humiliating Kyle by flaunting the money he lost.) •"Christian Rock Hard" - Forms a band to make a platinum album, but only gets "myrrh". (Failure) •"The Passion of the Jew" - Attempts to start a second Holocaust. But, succeeds in tricking a big crowd to his side for a while. (Successful Failure) •"Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes" - Bets Kyle that when you die you release your bowels. (Success) •"Imaginationland" - Wins a bet with Kyle, which requires Kyle to "suck his balls". He later conjured up an imaginary Kyle, who sucked an imaginary Cartman's balls. Because Kyle said all things imaginary are real, this can be considered a success. (Success) •"Poor and Stupid" - Became a NASCAR racer and win the NASCAR race (Failure) •"Mysterion Rises" - Became a complete but extremely delusional villain starting by controlling Cthulhu with his "cute and cuddly" methods and attacks many people and things, starting with hippies, the Jewish Synagogue, and San Francisco. (Success) •"Coon vs. Coon & Friends" - Had Cthulhu destroy the hippie concert of Burning Man, eliminate every single Whole Foods Market, send Coon and Friends to a dark oblivion, murder Justin Bieber, and do more evil. (Success/Failure) •"1%"- Matured slightly by having an extremely delusional episode, which resulted in him "murdering" his stuffed animals. (Success) •"You're Not Yelping"- Pretended to be a food critic to get free food. (Success)

    Criminal Record

    Cartman is notable for having a very large criminal record. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested seven times. He has been arrested for his mistakenly assumed hate crime, kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a meth lab, being with Stan Marsh on "Whale Whores" (The prison Cartman went to for this assumed crime was Japanese), and incarcerating hippies. In "Time To Get Cereal" he, along with Kyle, Stan and Kenny, was arrested by Harrison Yates for assumed school shootings, which have been proven to be ManBearPig's attacks. He was also arrested for the murders and terrorism of multiple people with Cthulhu, while under the disguise of the Coon, by Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Clyde, Tolkien and Timmy, although they did not have the authority. Even then he was released almost immediately after his arrest. The real reason why Cartman does not stay in prison for a very long time is likely because his Mom bails him out, dismissing the severity of the crime. Another reason why because the town is too incompetent to do anything about it. Cartman's criminal record includes but is not limited to: •Murder: In "Butt Out", Cartman stabbed Rob Reiner, essentially killing him. This can be considered self defense; Reiner had been trying to lynch him by gathering a mob. However, Rob Reiner does appear in a later episode proving he did not actually die. When he flash-backed to 1776 in "I'm a Little Bit Country", he brutally murdered a messenger boy with a log, although this was in his imagination, and therefore was not a real crime. He was also indirectly responsible for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman in "Scott Tenorman Must Die", and many others in "Poor and Stupid". He shot and killed two members of the Chinese Mafia in "Wing" but that was in self-defense. He murdered dozens of people while they were zombies and he did not have to do that as all he had to do was kill Kenny. He also electrocuted several Mexicans to death with a taser after soaking them in water in "The Last of the Meheecans". •Prostitution: After Kyle caused him to have a severe concussion and amnesia in "Cow Days", he begins to think that he was a Vietnamese prostitute named Ming Lee and it is implied that he prostituted himself to Leonardo DiCaprio. He also did this in "Chickenlover" and "Freak Strike" but he did not have sex with anyone but actually pretended to be a prostitute. •Vandalism: He mentions in "The Death of Eric Cartman" that he had broken a man's fence without telling him about it. He also destroyed most of the stuff in Butters' room with a baseball bat in the same episode. He even did this in "AWESOM-O" when he messed up the entire Stotch house while trying to find a videotape Butters had. He T-p'ed a house in "Toilet Paper" and "The Ring" and since Butters was put in jail for it Cartman would have but he was praised instead for being honest. •Manslaughter: He accidentally bashed Kenny's skull in "Timmy 2000" with a frying pan while trying to hit a bug on his face. Though it was the Ritalin side effects and a hallucination, he did not mean to legitimately murder Kenny. When he tried to kill Timmy's turkey with a stagelight in Helen Keller! The Musical, it accidentally killed Kenny instead due to the fact that he rigged the wrong one. •Murder By Proxy: In "Scott Tenorman Must Die", although he did not directly murder Scott's parents, he did know that the situation he was putting them in would get them killed. He also conspired with Kenny to have Sarah Jessica Parker murdered in "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs", resulting in her getting shot. He also tries multiple times to convince the others to kill Kyle. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises", and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", although Cartman does not directly murder anyone, he does manipulate Cthulhu in murdering hundreds of people whom he personally deems evil, which includes Hippies, Jews, the people of San Francisco, and Justin Bieber. In "Funnybot", Cartman uses his German language skills, by talking into the Germans to kill Kyle, but this attempt failed. He even attempted to do this in "Tsst" when he kidnapped a student named Billy Turner and forced him to play a jigsaw game by handcuffing his ankle to the school flagpole. Cartman secretly spiked poison in Billy's lunch milk and told him that the poison would kill him unless he sawed off his own leg and got the antidote. •Enforced Suicide: In "T.M.I.", Cartman was put in an anger management group and while there, he used his iPhone to send a series of text messages to the wife of the doctor who was trying to get a reaction out of him. These text messages placed the doctor's wife in a very bad position because in these text messages, Cartman was forcing the doctor's wife to commit suicide, in which she does so. It is unknown how he got the phone number of the doctor as he required one in order to make a text. He banished Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Timmy, Clyde, and Tolkien to a "dark oblivion", in "Coon vs. Coon & Friends" in which Kenny was forced to get himself impaled on a spike under a cliff in order to save his friends. He does this again in "Bass to Mouth" when he tricks Jenny Simons into eating a cupcake Cartman secretly spiked a strong laxative into. He causes Jenny to crap her pants in class and as a result she attempts suicide. The suicide fails and she survives but in the process she suffers a fractured pelvis and had to be taken to the hospital. He even did it before Jenny's accident when he caused one student to crap his pants so much that he needed new clothes from his mother therefore exposing him to the Eavesdropper website and made him think on suicide but in the end he decided not to. A year before the "Bass to Mouth" Cartman caused the first incident of a student crapping his pants and then made a hazing ritual out of it, causing the kid to kill himself. •Animal Abuse: In various episodes, Cartman abuses Mr. Kitty whenever the cat attempts to get some of his food. In addition, it was noted in "Douche and Turd" that Cartman broke Kenny McCormick's pet cat's leg. He also smacks Fluffy in "Cherokee Hair Tampons" after the pig wakes him up. •Attempted Murder: He attempted to kill Kyle, Stan, & Kenny in "Toilet Paper" using a wiffle bat, not comprehending the stupidity of the plan. He also attempted to fire on the President of FOX in Cartoon Wars Part II, without realizing his gun was not loaded. In "Tsst" he conspired to kill his own mother because he felt oppressed by her after she hired the Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan to deal with Cartman's spoiled and bratty behavior. He also attempted to murder Butters in "The Last of the Meheecans" in order to prevent him from crossing the U.S-Mexican border. •Attempted Genocide: In "The Passion of the Jew" he tries to exterminate the Jews, and in "Ginger Kids" he tries to get people to wipe out the Gingers. When he becomes one, he instead plans to kill all non-Gingers, not wanting to live out his whole life as a minority. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises", and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", Cartman along with Cthulhu attempt to wipe out the Jews by attacking assorted Jewish Temples. •Enforced Cannibalism: In "Scott Tenorman Must Die" Cartman tricks a farmer into killing Scott Tenorman's parents. Then Cartman takes the corpses and grounds them up into Chili so he could serve it to Scott Tenorman in the Chili Con Carne Festival. Cartman does so and therefore tricks Scott Tenorman into cannibalism. In "A Ladder to Heaven", Cartman mistook Kenny's ashes for chocolate milk mix and drinks him, and eventually became possessed by his soul. •Assault: Done several times, although many of these are not crimes, but in fact just fighting with friends. He beats up Jimmy in "Casa Bonita" when Jimmy is not expecting it and, considering he is handicapped, it could be a crime. In "The Coon", he also attacks a man and woman with the claws on his hands, scratching the man's face up and causing the woman to run away in terror (he thought the woman was being raped). In "Coon 2: Hindsight" Cartman brutally assaults Mintberry Crunch and Mosquito with the metal claws on his hands for absolutely no reason at all. Cartman does this again in "Mysterion Rises" when he beats up a little girl in an airport after she asked him what Mintberry Crunch was like. He attacks Pip and Tolkien with a rock causing to have their arms broken which is mild assault, but Cartman gets arrested for a hate crime instead. •Smuggling: He became the leader of a fried chicken cartel in "Medicinal Fried Chicken". However this does not count as a crime because the KFC was not really outlawed and really had some of the restaurants shut down. •Drug Possession: In "Crack Baby Athletic Association", Cartman gave some crack to the babies that were diagnosed with fetal cocaine syndrome and then videotaped them playing with the bag of crack and put it on the internet. He also gave crack to a women who was addicted to cocaine and was pregnant with her child. The crack he possessed may had come from his mother and she was seen smoking it after having sex with two men in "Jakovasaurs" •Theft/Obstruction of Criminal Investigation: Cartman stole the dead bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman off a crime scene while Barbrady was investigating. It is also mentioned in "About Last Night...", where Cartman had stolen everyone's televisions while they were out getting drunk on the streets. •Armed Robbery: in "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow", Cartman gets Kyle into a stickup. Cartman was pointing a gun at Kyle and demanded that Kyle give his Jew Gold to Cartman. Kyle gives Cartman a bag of rocks first and then presumably throws another fake bag into the fire. In "Go God Go XII", he robs two kids of their Crank Prank Time Phone with a laser gun which was presumably expensive. •Violation of Firearm Laws/Threatening with a deadly weapon: The Glock pistol that Cartman carries is almost certainly illegal and unregistered. Although it is never explained where he obtained the gun, it is likely he obtained during the events of "Wing" (the glock is the same gun he used to fight off the Chinese Triads during said episode). He constantly uses it to threaten people such as Kyle and the President of FOX in "Cartoon Wars Part II". He also stole a taser from his mom in order to defend himself from Trent Boyett in "Pre-School" •Arson: In "Pre-School", Cartman and the boys tricked Trent Boyett into starting a fire, in which the boys believed they were able to put out with their own urine but were unable to. In "Butt Out", Cartman and the boys were smoking outside school and threw their cigarettes away to avoid being caught by Mr. Mackey, but the cigarettes landed near the school and accidentally set it on fire. However, all of these arson's were accidental and unintentional. He did it again in "1%" but he committed this arson in his very own room. He was told to grow up so he ended up dividing his personality into all of his stuffed animals and then getting rid of the stuffed animals through brutal and weird ways. He did not mean to set his own room on fire and might had been sleepwalking when he did it. He caused the fire in order to get rid of Peter Panda. •Graverobbing: in "Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery", Cartman, Stan, Kyle and Kenny unearthed Kyle's dead grandma from a cemetery and planned to use it to scare the living daylights off a couple of 6th graders. This brought up false rumors about some of the people in South Park having sex with corpses and brought the pirate ghost hysteria to a whole new level. •Hate Crimes: He bashed Tolkien's head with a rock in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", although he was later proven not to have done this to Tolkien for racial reasons, and therefore was released from jail almost immediately after his arrest, but it still counts as a mild case of assault. However, his attempts against Jews, Hippies, Gingers, and non-Gingers while he thought he was one may count, as his motivations are specifically because they are members of this group. His actions with Cthulhu against Jews, Hippies, the people of San Francisco during the events of "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises", and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", Cartman along with Cthulhu perform numerous terrorist actions against assorted groups, cities and individuals could also be considered hate crimes. •Kidnapping and false imprisonment: He locked Butters in a bomb shelter for three days in "Casa Bonita" and kidnapped 63 hippies and trapped them in his basement in "Die Hippie, Die". He also held the Hakeems prisoner in "The Snuke" (though this was government-sanctioned.) and he took Butters from the mental hospital without permission from officials in "The Death of Eric Cartman". •Unlicensed Surgery: In "Jared Has Aides", he, Stan, and Kyle performed unlicensed liposuction on Butters with a hose in order to get him thinner in hopes of getting money from a weight loss scam. They even framed Butters by simply running away and hiding, causing yet another grounding for Butters from his parents. •Terrorism: Cartman admits to this when he is trying to get Family Guy pulled, both through threats from Islamic bombers and through threatening the FOX President with a hand gun. He also formed an anti-Chinese organization with Butters in "The China Probrem", and held an entire building full of hostages on the gun point, with Butters wounding 2 police officers and a civilian with badly aimed gunshots. His attempt to split up the U.S. through manipulating a drunken army of southerners to plunder towns and march on D.C. might also count, although this was not for political reasons so much as it was for making Stan and Kyle his slaves. In "The Coon" he tries to bomb a hospital to lure out Mysterion by planting dynamite on it. He managed to set the explosives, but ditched the plot and decided helping Mysterion would be more preferable. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises", and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", Cartman along with Cthulhu perform numerous terrorist actions against assorted groups, cities and individuals. He also participated with his anger management classmates and Randy Marsh in "T.M.I." in terrorizing a Fed-Ex building and threatened to not release the hostages until their demands were met. •War Crimes: The Drunken Southern Civil War army he led is seen looting, pillaging, attacking civilians, and burning down buildings. It is also implied by Cartman at one point his troops are raping women (When he offers Kenny a spot in his army he says: "Join me, and you shall have many plunders and women!", although he does not specifically reference rape). He also employed at least two other child soldiers, Kenny and Butters. •Medical Terrorism: In "Tonsil Trouble", Cartman sneaks into Kyle's room, draws the HIV contaminated blood from himself, and squirts it into Kyle's mouth, giving him HIV in the process. This is medical terrorism because Cartman intentionally makes someone critically ill in order to satisfy a desire for revenge. The motive for this was that Kyle was laughing at Cartman in disbelief after hearing that his arch-nemesis received a deadly virus that would kill him within less than a decade. Cartman thought that Kyle was being insensitive and gave him the HIV virus so he would not laugh at Cartman anymore. •Violation and Obstruction of the Pure Food and Drug Act: In "Ass Burgers", Cartman pretends he has Asperger's syndrome by placing multiple hamburgers in his butt. He gave one to Kyle who liked the burgers a lot. Cartman then started a hamburger business in which he placed multiple hamburgers up his butt to give them the taste Kyle loved. He was later found out about this and his business was forced to shut down. This violates the Pure Food and Drug Act because Cartman put hamburgers up his butt and the sold them to customers. Since the burgers were up his butt, they were contaminated and might had some bacteria and E Coli in them, which is known to make people very sick. Some of the kids who ate the burgers might have gotten sick and some customers might have died from E coli. He does this again thrice in "Bass to Mouth" when he spiked laxatives into several cupcakes and tricked several students into eating them. He even does this in the same episode when he made the school faculty spike laxatives and horseradish into pizza in order to make the entire school crap their pants. He also did this to Mr. Mackey in the hallway and made him crap his pants and fart his whole body across the hallway. •Piracy: In "Fatbeard", he assembled several groups of Somalian pirates to plunder ships in increasingly aggressive ways, until all his pirates are shot to death by U.S. snipers. This crime in his criminal record is ignored by the government because they thought that Cartman was a hostage of the pirates due to his skin color. •Breaking and Entering: In "Tonsil Trouble" and "Mecha-Streisand", he broke into Kyle's room. The purpose for this was to steal one of the 3 triangles of Zinthar and give Kyle HIV. He also broke into the veal ranch in "Fun with Veal". Cartman also broke into several houses in " About Last Night ... ", in order to steal televisions. •Credit Fraud and Identity Theft: In "Fatbeard" Cartman steals his mother's credit card and uses it to buy plane tickets to Cairo for himself, Clyde, Butters, Kevin, and Ike. He also uses her Visa card to rent an E-Scooter in "The Scoots". •Embezzlement: In "Probably", Cartman starts his own church after he and the kids catch Father Maxi having sex in the church confessional with Clyde Donovan's aunt. Cartman made every kid in South Park into evangelists and asked for their money for charity. However, in reality, he was taking full advantage of them because he was actually taking all their money and was spending all of the supposed church money on himself. Therefore, it counts as embezzlement. •Underage Driving/Hit and Run: In "Poor and Stupid", Eric Cartman hijacked a race car and ran over several spectators and pit crew members, culminating in the deaths of eleven people. He later does this again, going off the race track and into a trailer campsite, presumably killing many people. In addition to all this, he purposely ran over another driver, Danica Patrick, on purpose after she was eliminated from the race. •Resisting Arrest: In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", Cartman escapes from custody after being found guilty of committing a presumed hate crime. Cartman bribes Kenny to drive him to Mexico in his battery operated kiddie car and therefore puts the police in a wild goose chase with it ending near the U.S/Mexico borderline. He does this again in "Casa Bonita" when Sheila and the boys found out that Cartman selfishly kidnapped Butters and locked him in a bomb shelter, therefore scaring all of South Park so Cartman could go to Casa Bonita for Kyle's 9th birthday. When Sheila says that the police were on their way to arrest Cartman for the kidnapping of Leopold "Butters" Stotch, Cartman runs into the restaurant and tries to avoid the police as much as he can while enjoying what Casa Bonita has to offer in the process. The chase therefore ends after Cartman tries one last ditch effort to resist arrest by jumping into a 20-foot waterfall only to get cornered and arrested. •Child Abuse: In "Crack Baby Athletic Association", Cartman made some babies diagnosed with fetal cocaine syndrome play a game of basketball with a bag of coke and videotaped it. This counts as child abuse, because Cartman was making a profit out of this and did not give the babies any credit, which counts as slave labor. •Shoplifting: In "Poor and Stupid", Cartman goes to a local grocery store with Butters in hopes of finding Vagisil there. While in the store, Butters forgets to bring money with him to buy the Vagisil because Cartman did not tell him to. Cartman then decides to ingest multiple Vagisil products in the store and then leaves without paying for the Vagisil. •Blackmailing, Framing, False Evidence: In "Coon 2: Hindsight", Cartman (a.k.a. The Coon) tries to blackmail Captain Hindsight, in order to have him join the superhero team. He also framed Trent Boyett twice in "Pre-School" for arson and the assault of a teacher in order to get out of trouble and avoid his wrath for five years. He also commits blackmail in "The Passion of the Jew" when he pressured Kyle into seeing the Passion Of the Christ and told him to have the Jews apologize for the death of Jesus. However, this kind of blackmail was emotional blackmail because Cartman did not threaten Kyle with extortion or with a videotape or photos. Another example of his blackmailing is shown in "Cancelled" when the Joozian producers were caught having weird alien sex (They were sucking each other's jagons while high on alien drugs) in front of him and the other boys. Kenny takes a picture of the Joozian's doing this and Cartman takes advantage of this by using it as blackmail. However, this crime may not count because Cartman broke this law in another planet and was doing this in order to save Earth from being destroyed. Unfortunately, Cartman may be held accountable for this in the Intergalactic Justice system because he broke this law on another planet and may be an example of extradition. However, again, Cartman got his memory erased and could not remember anything about this blackmail at all. Also, in "Cartman's Incredible Gift", some people who had supernatural powers accused Cartman and his false ability of being a fraud and sued him. In order to avoid the lawsuit, Cartman intentionally framed this group of people for the murder of Veronica Crabtree and it caused the group to get arrested with one of their members killed by police. He even framed his mother in "The Poor Kid" after he found out that his family has the second lowest income in South Park. He engineered a plan to get himself into a foster home by creating a meth lab in his backyard and framing his mom for it, therefore getting her arrested. The police however found out about this later and arrested Cartman and placed him in jail for two months •Torture: In "The Snuke", he used farts to torture the Hakeem family. However this does not count as actual torture because Cartman does not use any weapons but rather his own gas to annoy and provoke the Hakeem Family. What Cartman did to the Hakeem family was actually government sponsored and therefore is not branded into his criminal record. Unfortunately, in "Tsst", Cartman kidnapped a student named Billy Turner and forced him to play a Jigsaw game. Cartman secretly spiked poison into Billy's lunch milk and handcuffed him to a school flagpole. Then, Cartman forced Billy to torture himself by cutting off his own leg in order to get the antidote. •Fraud/Plagiarism: In "Christian Rock Hard", he replaces the words 'Baby' in love songs with 'Jesus', which is plagiarism, and fraudulent as the band is not technically Christian rock. He also pretends to be mentally disabled twice in "Le Petit Tourette" and in "Up the Down Steroid". He also does this in "Freak Strike" when Cartman decides to go on the Maury Povich show and pretend to be an out of control teenage prostitute for the sole purpose of obtaining a valuable prize after Butters unintentionally scams him of one by appearing on the same show as a practical joke by the boys and with fake testicles attached to his chin. •Rape: In "Cartman Sucks", he gave Butters a blowjob (technically) without his knowledge, and puts Butters' penis in his mouth. It is also implied that he and his men raped women in "The Red Badge of Gayness" and "Fatbeard", but this is not proven. •Forceful Confinement: During the events of "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises", and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", he (as 'The Coon') forces Butters to stay in a small jail cell in his basement. He also locked away 63 hippies in his basement in "Die Hippie, Die". •Contempt of Court: In "Sexual Harassment Panda", Cartman sues Stan for Sexual Harassment and then took full advantage of him in court. However, in this crime, Cartman was being used by Kyle's father Gerald Broflovski so he could make money by telling Cartman to sue South Park Elementary too. •Vigilantism: Due to Cartman's attempts at crime fighting in "The Coon" and his violent methods of dealing with crime, he is technically in violation of the law regarding vigilante actions. However, due to his constant ineffectual attempts, this is overlooked by South Park Authorities. •Submitting False Evidence: In "Dances with Smurfs", Cartman uses the lie he made about Wendy Testaburger killing all of the Smurfs as the key plot device for his movie. He then uses the movie to frame Wendy by poorly dressing up as her and then doing the same thing he claimed that Wendy did. Not only did he provide a sneak peek for all of the students of South Park Elementary to see on his morning show, but he also released it on DVD and Blu-Ray to stores all across America. This lawbreaking led to the creation of the movie Avatar. •Slander: In "HUMANCENTiPAD", Cartman declared not only in general, but on national TV that his own mother Liane has "fucked him", all because she refused to let him have an iPad. While he is speaking figuratively, the audience and Dr. Phil assume him to mean it literally. In a slightly less liable manner, Cartman also slandered Wendy in "Dances with Smurfs", he accuses her of being a slut, embezzling money from the school, genocide of the Smurfs and numerous other atrocities, but escapes legal liability by adding "allegedly" at the end. He also does this in "The Snuke" when he told the CIA that the Hakeem Family were a group of terrorists. However, this lie serves a very good purpose because Cartman ended up stopping the British from invading America because of that lie. •Hitchhiking: In 'Imaginationland", Cartman hitchhikes to Washington D.C to get Kyle to suck his balls, but in the State of Colorado, hitchhikers can face up to two years in prison. •Theft: In "A Ladder to Heaven", when the boys are building the ladder to Heaven, Cartman steals a seat from Mr. Garrison's car. Cartman mentions that Mr. Garrison did not throw away his car, so he obviously did not do it with permission. •Child Pornography: In "Safe Space" he tells Kyle, he has taken and published photo of his penis on the Internet. In "Cartman Sucks" he also has in possession, and shares an image of Butters sucking his penis.

    Cartman wears a red jacket, yellow mittens, a blue hat with a yellow puff ball on top, brown pants, black shoes, and white socks (as seen in "Super Fun Time"). He sometimes wears a green t-shirt with a bear picture on under his jacket, a white tank top, and occasionally a dark red t-shirt. He has medium-brown hair and a double-chin. He also has triangular-shaped eyebrows, in contrast to the other main boys' rectangular ones. Even though Cartman is overweight, he always denies it (especially in the earlier seasons) by saying, "I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned", or some variation thereof. However, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!" and "Cartmanland", his weight problem may be, in truth, be genetic and runs in the family, as seen by the fact that, with the exception of his mother an aunt, and a cousin, his entire family is extremely overweight. But in "Fat Camp", when he tells his mother to talk about how he is big boned and such, she instead says, "Those were all lies, sweetie, you're just fat." In "Tsst", he is slightly thinner, although in later episodes, he was shown to have regained the lost weight. Cartman likely has blue irises, as, due to the events of "The Succubus", he has Kenny's eyes, which were shown with blue in "Starvin' Marvin". In Season Twenty, he wears a t-shirt with the words "Token's Life Matters".

    In the future timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, Cartman is supposedly converted into Judaism. He wears a dark gray suit with black tie and white shirt, along with a pair of round glasses. His yarmulke resembles the blue hat with yellow puff that he wears in childhood.

    Cartman is described in various terms, in short, he is an evil, vicious, angry, self-absorbed, immature, destructive, sarcastic, snooty, loud-mouthed, lazy, and insane child. He is the most foul-mouthed character in the show. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. The very dark, usually disturbing undertones to his personality often hint at an extreme mental imbalance. Apart from being portrayed as having a general lack of moral responsibility or social conscience, he also seems to take pleasure from others' misfortune and is generally unable to show empathy, although there have been exceptions, such as in "How to Eat with Your Butt." Despite the severity of his actions, it is likely that they are a type of emotional defense mechanism against his insecurity and (potential) confused sexuality. This "defense", however, does not seem to be impenetrable, as evidenced by "1%". This has been parodied as well, in the cliché of a typical villain becoming benevolent. In these episodes, he usually convinces Kyle that he has good intentions, such as in the "Cartoon Wars" two-parter, where Cartman appears to Kyle that he is concerned about people's safety at the beginning, but it is later shown to only have been doing it to get Family Guy off the air. In the "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?" and "Probably" two-parter, Kyle and many others fall for Cartman's apparently "good intentions" for trying to prevent the children of South Park from going to hell. However, it is revealed that he only did it so he could earn money. In "Kenny Dies", he is distraught at Kenny's impending death leading Kyle to console him. Later when his supposedly real motives were revealed, knowing how Cartman typically is, Kyle promptly fights him in Kenny's defense, although Cartman was genuinely distraught over Kenny's illness before and after he learns that he can benefit from it. This clearly shows that Cartman went through Congress for Kenny and reveals that he does not have a healthy way of dealing with the death of his friend.

    Cartman can, on rare occasions, show compassion towards cats, as in "Major Boobage" in which he hides cats in his attic from the authorities. This compassion hints that he has not progressed to be a full sociopath.

    In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character as a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath".

    He has been shown to harass and bully people at his school, and, as a result, many people in the show despise him. Cartman, however, does not consider himself to be a bully who likes to pick on other people to pleasure himself; in fact, he seems to disregard good or bad altogether (or perhaps simply does not have a concept of it) and does whatever he feels necessary for him to get ahead. Cartman seems to be motivated not so much by personal gain as by asserting superiority over others. In "Red Hot Catholic Love", he won $20 in a bet with Kyle, but, instead of using the money, he simply kept flaunting it in front of Kyle until Kyle conceded that Cartman was right, ruining his sense of victory and causing him to throw a tantrum (and apparently even abandon the money and having it given back to Kyle). The same thing happens in "Christian Rock Hard": Kyle makes a $10 bet that he can get a platinum album before Cartman, Cartman makes a successful album and makes millions of dollars and earning the album. But, when Cartman wins a myrrh album and discovers that the Christian companies do not give out platinum albums (Christ did not believe in such things, the albums stem from the gifts of the three wise men; they give out gold, frankincense, and myrrh albums), thus meaning he cannot win the bet, he angrily destroys the myrrh album, showing that he did not care how he just made millions of dollars, he just wanted to beat Kyle in a bet.

    Cartman's much quoted line, "Respect my authority" (or as Cartman pronounces it, "respect mah authori-tah") highlights his power hungry and dictatorial characteristics. Despite these traits, Cartman rarely commands respect from his peers. Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality.

    Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. In situations where the other boys share his goals, Cartman is often the de facto leader (e.g. "Make Love, Not Warcraft", "The List", and "Marjorine"). Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good."

    The most active family member in Cartman's life is his mother, Liane Cartman. A recurring joke throughout the series is that, despite his mother's sweetness and wholesome demeanor, she is in fact a promiscuous, oversexed, crack-smoking, scheiße-porn queen, prostitute, and nymphomaniac. Many of these aspects of Liane's personal life are a constant source of annoyance for Cartman, whose friends often mock him over, and which he attempts to fruitlessly deny. An example being when Stan and Kyle continuously stated she was on the cover of "Crack-Whore" magazine in "Pinkeye". Cartman, attempted to deny this fact, until presented with the magazine itself. He then stated that she had been "young and needed the money", which unfortunately did not work, as Stan and Kyle pointed out that the pictures had been taken just a month ago. Liane constantly dotes over Cartman, doing almost anything he asks and at times even agreeing to his most horrible ideas and plans, such as signing him up for the Special Olympics in "Up the Down Steroid." The fact Liane allows Cartman to bully and control her is apparently due to extreme loneliness brought up by not have a serious romantic partner and also apparently not having any close friends. She thus desires that Cartman be her 'friend', and will do anything to keep him happy. This unfortunately could explain much of his behavior. It has been implied (at least in earlier episodes) that Liane may be responsible for much of Cartman's racism, anti-semitism and homophobia, as he often was to quote disparaging things that he had supposedly heard her say. For the most part, it seemed that Cartman was perhaps lying or misquoting his mother, except for in "Pinkeye", in which Liane made Cartman an Adolf Hitler Halloween costume, despite Cartman not knowing who that was at the time.

    For over twelve seasons since "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut", Cartman lived under the belief that his mother was a hermaphrodite and also his biological father. In "200" however, Cartman's hand/puppet Mitch Conner reveals that what Cartman was told was a lie and that Liane was not Cartman's father. After demanding answers out of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat, it is revealed that the paternity tests were altered and one of the people in the room at the time of revelation was indeed Cartman's father. In "201" it is revealed that Cartman's father is actually Jack Tenorman, a ginger haired member of

    the Denver Broncos and father of Cartman's arch-rival Scott Tenorman. Apparently during the night of the Drunk Barn Dance, Liane proceeded to have sex with assorted men and women; however Jack was the one who impregnated her. Cartman unfortunately never got to meet his father properly, due to the fact that during his war against his half-brother Scott (in which Scott sold Eric his pubes, stating it would allow him to reach maturity), Cartman killed both Jack and his wife, ground their bodies up into ground meat, cooked it in chili and proceeded to feed it to Scott. Cartman does not regret killing his father however, instead is horrified to know that he is half-ginger and thus carries the ginger gene in his body. He was, however, happy when reminded that his father was actually a Denver Bronco.

    Cartman's extended family is shown in the episode "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!", where he and the others go on a trip to Nebraska to visit them for Christmas. Most of his relatives appear to be similar in manner to him; all fat, with the same speech accent and catchphrases. The family is seen again in the episode "Cartmanland", at his grandmother's funeral. Where she leaves her estate (valued at $1,000,000) to Eric, citing that all the other family members would have spent it all on crack.

    In the "The Unaired Pilot" episode, Cartman was shown to have a father and sister, but these characters were cut out in the official pilot. In "Le Petit Tourette", he accidentally revealed that he cries at night because he does not have a real father.

    He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish.

    Kyle Broflovski

    The rivalry between Cartman and Kyle has been a recurring theme from the beginning, but has become significantly stronger since Season Four. Cartman appears to have a very strong hatred for Kyle, and shows that he has no tolerance for Kyle's Jewish faith. Kyle hates him in turn. However, neither one of them seems to realize the effects of their almost poisonous relationship, and continue to live in close contact with each other. In Season Five, Cartman and Kyle's relationship meets a turning point, going from a relationship of them simply ripping on each other constantly to near hatred simply because Cartman caused Kenny's semi-permanent death. It was around Season Eleven that they began their descent from love-hate to full on hatred. However, in the "The Death of Eric Cartman", during the scene where Cartman has Butters apologize to all of his peers in his stead (as he believes he is a ghost), he seems to wish to recant some of his earlier misdeeds towards Kyle (and obtain his forgiveness), and seems genuinely moved upon seeing him. Kyle is often put in the shoes of the protagonist to Eric Cartman's antagonist. For example, in "Cartoon Wars Part I", the two of them work against each other; when Cartman tries to get Family Guy canceled, Kyle tries to stop him. The two of them often have arguments about morals, like in "Up the Down Steroid", where Cartman decides to pretend to be mentally handicapped so he can win the "Special Olympics". In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, when they were facing certain death, Cartman tried to atone for all the times he called Kyle "A big dumb Jew", telling him "I didn't mean it. You're not a Jew". Bewildered, Kyle replies that he is indeed a Jew, and Cartman tells him not to be so hard on himself (implying that Jew was an insult rather than a religion). Cartman also has attempted to murder Kyle more than once, the most significant incident being in a scene from "Toilet Paper" in which he lures Kyle into going rowing with him to the middle of Stark's Pond, and then, when Kyle's back is turned, attempts to bludgeon him to death with a wiffle bat, without comprehending the stupidity of the plan. When he learns someone has confessed to the crime he, Kyle, Stan and Kenny had committed, thus eliminating the need to kill Kyle who was going to confess himself, Cartman asks Stan (in his usual trademark-pathetic way) if he can still kill Kyle. Cartman tries to murder Kyle again in "Fatbeard". However, in "Smug Alert!", Cartman saves Kyle and his family when a large storm is about to go towards their house in San Francisco. Cartman finds Butters as too boring a nemesis since he will simply accept anything Cartman directs at him, and realizes that in order to have someone with which to argue incessantly again he must get Kyle back. At the end of the episode he hides the fact that he was the savior of Kyle's whole family, opting to insult Kyle again instead; Kyle replies angrily and storms off, to Cartman's satisfaction. In the episode "Le Petit Tourette" when Kyle (unintentionally) saves Cartman from shouting out all his secrets on Dateline (Cartman had originally intended to use fake Tourette's so as to deliver a hate-speech against Jews), Cartman hugs Kyle and thanks him, even saying "I love you, man." In the episode "Prehistoric Ice Man", when Kyle falls into a cavern and asks from the bottom, "Is Cartman there?" he responds with a sincere "I'm here, Kyle!". Of course this only occurs after Cartman suggests they leave Kyle for dead and continue to their search for crocodiles. In the episode "Lil' Crime Stoppers", Cartman defends Kyle saying, "Broflovski's a good cop!" Cartman's obsessive hatred of Kyle above almost all others, has called into question Cartman's deeper feeling for Kyle. In the episode "Imaginationland", Cartman wins a bet with Kyle which requires Kyle to suck his balls, and goes to various extreme measures throughout the Imaginationland trilogy to make Kyle do so, including going to the Supreme Court and breaking into the Pentagon (twice). In the end of the trilogy's first part, Cartman is seen with a photo of an innocent looking Kyle. The scene ends with Cartman dragging his finger slowly across Kyle's mouth in the photo, which could be interpreted as an act of lust, this further hints at a confused sexuality. At the end of the trilogy's third part, Cartman conjures up an imaginary Kyle to suck the balls of an imaginary Cartman. Cartman also, in the episode "Go God Go XII", offers to suck Kyle's balls (after Kyle said "Suck my balls, Cartman"), in exchange for Kyle's help in getting Cartman back from the distant future. In the episode "Fatbeard", Kyle encourages Cartman to run away to Somalia, hoping that he will die. Cartman also seems to have no qualms about seriously invading Kyle's personal space, as shown in a scene from "ManBearPig" wherein Cartman, while contemplating his hatred for Kyle, looms a mere inch or two from Kyle's face as he sleeps; soon Kyle wakes up and yells, "Dude, get away from me!" However, the fact that Kyle challenges Cartman more than any other character in the series, may in fact be the core reason for Cartman's obsessive fixation on him. In "Fatbeard", he says that Kyle has "finally come to terms with his disability" and seemed more willing to kill Kyle later in the episode by making his walk the plank over an alligator. As of "Dead Celebrities", he seems to be more passive toward Kyle, greeting him with only " 'Sup, Jew?". This passive attitude however seemed to be only temporary, as seen in "Crippled Summer", in which during Towelie's intervention on national TV, each of the boys is asked to read a pre-written statement about their feelings for Towelie. Cartman however instead reads off a long-winded hate speech against the Jewish people (most likely the one he intended to use during "Le Petit Tourette"), where he urges the rest of the country to help him in rising up against the Jews and in which most of his speech is directed primarily towards Kyle. The two have occasionally gotten along such as in "Kenny Dies" and "Pinkeye" when Kyle put his hand on Cartman's shoulder when was upset about Kenny dying. In fact, in "You Have 0 Friends", Cartman helped Kyle make new friends, even though Cartman did not appear to be gaining anything out of it. In "It's a Jersey Thing", Kyle was ironically the one who saved Cartman when he was being raped by Snooki. Cartman showed genuine appreciation for this act, thanking him and later going as far as to say that although Kyle was a "monster" (for having Jersey blood running through his veins), he was "my [Cartman's] little monster", and pinched his cheek. Although they bicker constantly, the two have not full on fought since then, and have had a lot more moments together where they seem happy, such as Kyle sharing music with Cartman in "You're Getting Old". There are also moments such as in "Faith Hilling" where the two share a common goal. However, there are many moments where they are at ends like earlier in the series, such as in the Coon trilogy. Therefore, their friendship is in a constant state of disrepair. The back-and-forth of their outward conflict yet still regularly meeting with the other boys can be seen as somewhat ironic. Therefore, Kyle and Cartman could be seen to have a more complex connection than Stan and Kyle with . In "The Entity", Kyle described Cartman as "my sort of friend-ish", as his best explanation of their relationship. In "You're Getting Old", Stan's behavior change upon turning 10 causes a rift to develop occurs in his friendships with Kyle, Cartman and Kenny to the point where they no longer wish to interact with him. As a result, at the episode's end with Cartman and Kyle playing video games together, the pair offer each other kind smiles, showing their friendship growing even further. In "Ass Burgers", Kyle and Cartman have quite a few friendly moments together. Although they are shown bickering, the argument is not angry as most of the arguments between the two can be. Kyle is quick to support Cartman in his new business, even going so far as to tell Stan that they ca not be friends anymore because he is with Cartman Burgers now. When Stan shows up, drunk, talking to Kyle, it is shown that Cartman is keeping a close eye on them from where he was standing. He even eventually comes over to check if Kyle is okay, giving Stan a distasteful look. However, this is rapidly tarnished by the episode's end when Kyle discovers his method for producing his burgers. In "Jewpacabra", Cartman constantly rips on Jews throughout the episode, even to the point of making up a Jewish creatures that eats children in Easter egg hunts. When Cartman believes that the creature could be real and is chained so the creature can eat him, he is tranquilized and is hazed. Kyle finds him and takes him home and puts him to bed. The next day, at the Sooper Foods Easter egg hunt, Cartman claims that he is Jewish and knows how Kyle feels.

    Stan Marsh

    Cartman and Stan's friendship is clearly existent but it is very tense. In fact, when Kyle and Kenny are not around, he and Stan often do not show a close friendship with each other or rarely interact one-on-one. In "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow", Stan and Cartman hang out at the boating rack, and Cartman even comments that it is great that they are hanging out with each other without Kyle, to which Stan does not disagree to, implying that Stan somewhat shares these feelings. Stan also agrees with Cartman in the episode, such as not telling Kyle he caused the dam to break, and not telling Randy he was the one who broke the dam. Cartman's song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" was joined by all the other classmates (minus Kyle of course), even getting Stan's attention in which Stan actually enjoys the song. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", while Kyle is immediately distrustful of Cartman's claim that he cannot control the actions of his hand (which has seemed to take on a life of its own), Stan gives Cartman the benefit of the doubt and admits that, with all the stuff that happens in South Park, Cartman could be telling the truth. Cartman and Stan were also seen interacting one on one in "Sexual Healing" when Kyle, Kenny and Butters were away at the Karne Institute for Sex Addicts and they were playing with each other on the domestic violence/golf video game Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011 at Cartman's house and they were getting along just fine with no arguments. When the boys were playing street hockey in "Grey Dawn", Stan was the only one he did not insult, referring to him as "Marsh", as any commentator would, as opposed to Kyle and Kenny, who he referred to as "the Jew" and "the Poor Kid", respectively. In "Woodland Critter Christmas", Cartman made Stan the protagonist of his Christmas story (he is described as 'the boy in a red poof-ball hat'). Everyone but Kyle likes the story, including Stan. The fact that Stan is portrayed normally in the Christmas story hints that Stan is Cartman's friend, unlike Kyle, who is portrayed as evil. In "Douche and Turd", Stan votes for Cartman's mascot instead of Kyle's, much to Kyle's dismay. Also, in the episode "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who has not gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. However, in "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants", Cartman declares that he hates Stan because Stan loves animals. Even so, in the episode "Trapped in the Closet", all three boys de-friend Stan after he becomes the leader of Scientology. As the boys leave, Cartman turns to Stan and says, "I still hate Kyle more than you". In "Fun with Veal", when Cartman was negotiating for weapons and an escape route for him and the rest of the boys, he is at first reluctant to meet the demands of the timid FBI negotiator, but soon agreed to his conditions when he looked at Stan and recognized the sores (which were actually mini-vaginas) on his body and his deteriorating health. This implies that Cartman cares about Stan's well-being to an extent. Another reference to their friendship is in "Pee" when Cartman notices that Kyle, Stan, Butters and Jimmy are still alive he instantly hugs Stan, running past Kyle. In some episodes Stan is shown having a strong hatred for Cartman even if Cartman is not doing anything. In "Trapper Keeper" when the cyborg says he has to kill Cartman, Stan asks if he can do it, and prepares to shoot Cartman before the cyborg decides against the idea. In "Spookyfish" Stan is fully for sending Cartman away forever. Although Stan is much more tolerant of Cartman than Kyle is, he often holds Cartman in very high contempt for his unacceptable behaviour. In "Bass to Mouth", when Mr. Mackey claimed that Cartman killed himself for being fat when the school faculty "threw him under the bus", Stan was only concerned with preventing Eavesdropper from publishing the biggest story. In "You're Getting Old", Cartman ends his friendship with Stan rather quickly after Stan's personality change, and soon begins getting along better Kyle, who also ends his friendship with Stan. Though, they did become friends again in "Ass Burgers".

    Kenny McCormick

    Because of Cartman's selfish personality, his friendship with Kenny is not as obvious as Stan and Kyle's, and it sometimes looks fake, but it is clearly existent. They are also shown to share a sense of humor, as can be seen in the episode "How to Eat with Your Butt" when Kenny and Cartman continue an elaborate joke, despite Stan and Kyle's objections. However, Cartman has at times displayed a special dislike for Kenny, often without any reason; most often, he shows contempt for Kenny's family living in poverty. In two separate episodes, "Chickenpox" and "A Ladder to Heaven", Cartman is heard singing the song "In The Ghetto" in order to tease Kenny. In "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut", Kenny and Cartman are alone in the scene, and Cartman blurts out "I hate you, Kenny" out of nowhere. In the episode "Jakovasaurs", Cartman makes up a song called "I Hate You Guys" where he sings: . In the episode "Lice Capades" he attempts make Kenny a scapegoat for his lice problem (not realizing everyone had lice), and upon "proving" Kenny's guilt with an elaborate, phony experiment, Cartman then organizes a cruel "sock bath" hazing ritual for Kenny - continuing with it even after Mrs. Garrison reveals that everyone had lice. In the earlier seasons, Kenny was often painted as Cartman's much abused sidekick, although this role has been filled by Butters since Season Six. It is possible that Kenny is Cartman's only real friend and he does not understand how to react to having such a friend, or the opposite since Stan and Kyle at some points have stated that Kenny is not really their friend and that they do not give a crap about him (although this is usually whenever they want to avoid him for some reason, such as when he had chickenpox). In the episode, "Kenny Dies", Cartman proclaims that Kenny is his best friend among the three boys, but at the end of the episode it is implied that Cartman is Kenny's "worst friend" since he exploited Kenny's illness for personal gain. However, he had cried over Kenny's illness before discovering the possibility of making his own "Shakeys". Kenny has generally taken Cartman's side in arguments or when they do things. Cartman is also the only person who seems to take Kenny's deaths seriously. In the Season Three episode, "The Succubus", when he cannot see Kenny (who was crushed seconds earlier) he calls out "Guys? Is Kenny okay?", showing that he might consider Kenny a close friend. Cartman is also the only person who seems to realize he dies more than once. In "Cartmanland" Cartman says "He dies all the time" and brushes his death off easily because he will come back tomorrow. In "City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)", Cartman is telling a story and has Kenny dying at the end, even though Kenny had died minutes before by being eaten by the giant black monster outside the bus. Kyle points out to him that Kenny dying twice would be impossible and Cartman goes along with it noticing the logic. This may show that Cartman is immune to whatever keeps everyone else blinded by the fact that Kenny repeatedly dies. In the episode "Best Friends Forever", Kenny states in his will that he felt sorry for Cartman because of his inability to feel compassion and empathy, and the fact that he will almost certainly end up bitter, miserable, and alone for the rest of his life. Also, in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons", the two are shown playing with spaceships without Stan or Kyle (although Kyle was dying at the time). And in the episode, "A Ladder to Heaven", when Cartman drinks Kenny's ashes mistaking them for chocolate milk, leaving Kenny's soul trapped in his body, until the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe". Kenny also chooses to appear to Cartman as opposed to Stan or Kyle in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, although this might be because it was Cartman's fault he died, However he was actually trying to warn and have him tell everyone about Saddam's and Satan's plan for world domination. In "Cartmanland", Cartman is shown to be aware of Kenny's deaths telling the IRS that Kenny "dies all the time". Kenny was the only one out of the four main boys (excluding Butters) to enter his theme park, as well as the only one offered a spot in Cartman's southern army. At the end of the episode "Pinkeye", Cartman was the only one sobbing over Kenny's death. In fact, Cartman even showed a little concern for Kenny when he found out his new girlfriend was a whore in "The Ring". In the episode "Chinpokomon", after Kenny has a seizure and is rendered unresponsive after playing the Chinpokomon video game, Cartman was the only one of the three who seemed to notice that rats were swarming over Kenny and attempting to eat him, and the only one to detach them, telling them, "Bad rats, he isn't dead yet!", and unlike Stan and Kyle (who immediately laughed), he was initially disgusted when it was discovered the rats had actually eaten him from the inside out, before proceeding to laugh. Also in the episode "Butt Out", he noticed that Kenny was eating his own hand out of boredom. Whilst he did nothing, he still mentioned it to the boys as if to say 'should we help him?' Kenny also aided Cartman in his escape when Cartman was charged with hate crimes. However, ever since Cartman (unwittingly) made Kenny cry in "The Death of Eric Cartman", their friendship has not been as strong - even after everyone stopped giving Cartman the silent treatment, their friendship did not fully recover. In particular, in the episode "Poor and Stupid", Kenny is shown to value NASCAR more than his friendship with Cartman, who was ruining NASCAR's image. Kenny even went as far as to try to kill Cartman with a sniper rifle, but this was confiscated. Eventually when he lost the race to Patty, Cartman apologized to him for his behavior - a rare event indeed - and Kenny (most likely) forgave Cartman. Later, in "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", Cartman used his new friend, the Dark God Cthulhu, to banish Kenny, along with several others, to an "evil and parallel dimension". When Kenny caught up with Cartman - who was in the process of massacring a Justin Bieber concert - Cartman showed no remorse, and the two ended up in a heated argument. However, in "You're Getting Old", Cartman and Kenny are getting along fine once again, and spend that episode being friendly and hanging out with each other. In A Song of Ass and Fire, there is a picture of Cartman and Kenny sitting next to each other at Casa Bonita, even though Cartman slams down the photo because Kenny 'betrayed' him by switching to PlayStation 4 instead of sticking with Xbox 1. Kenny does not take part in smashing Eric's electronics in "Skank Hunt".

    Cartman has Kenny's eyes, due to the events in the subplot of "The Succubus".

    •Kyle has one of Cartman's kidneys due to the events of "Cherokee Hair Tampons".

    •It is most likely that Cartman is the youngest of the four friends. His birthday was in the first season, and it has been clear that he turned 8, while the other boys already were 8 years old. However, Stan made it clear that Cartman and all the other boys were ten years old in "Crack Baby Athletic Association" while Stan was still nine years old only to turn ten two episodes later. It could be that the birth dates of all the boys were called out randomly and their permanent birthdays set in later. This mix up made Stan the youngest of the four boys.

    Cartman is mostly known by his family name, and most characters, including Stan, Kyle, Wendy, and Tolkien, call him by his surname.

    •In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", it is shown that Stan and Kyle pick on Cartman because he is fat, not because of his many crimes.

    Cartman has been shown to go to great lengths to get revenge on people who did relatively minor things. An example is in "Tsst", where Cartman made a kid saw off his own leg and get him sent to the hospital just because the kid called him chubby. Despite this, he never does something like this on any of his friends, despite the fact that they have called him much worse names than "chubby". He also has never arranged a gambit to get Wendy's parents killed like he did Scott Tenorman's, despite the fact that what Wendy did to Cartman was worse than what Scott did. Why he has not done these things yet is not yet known, although it is shown that Wendy can occasionally outsmart Cartman and turn his schemes against him. Cartman may not have sought extreme revenge on Wendy due to his feelings for her; it is shown that he likes Wendy in "Chef Goes Nanners". Cartman sends a fake police report to a psychiatrist's wife, who then commits suicide; It can be assumed that he knew she would do so, as he is a master of manipulation.

    •Season Three

    •"Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub"


    •Season Four


    •Season Ten

    South Park: The Stick of Truth
    South Park: Phone Destroyer
  3. Eric Cartman est un personnage principal de la série animée South Park, connu pour son caractère raciste, antisémite et manipulateur. Découvrez sa biographie, ses missions, ses talents, ses relations et ses anecdotes sur ce wiki en français.

    • cartman1
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  4. Cartman, de son vrai nom Nicolas-Bonaventure Ciattoni, est connu pour ses parodies de célébrités sur TF1 et D8. Il a aussi joué dans Arthur et les Minimoys et sorti un album en 2013.

    • France
    • September 7, 1976
    • Animateur
  5. 31 mai 2020 · A cette occasion, le comédien et animateur en a profité pour faire une petite confidence sur son pseudonyme et son vrai nom. Laurent Ruquier revenait, ce dimanche 31 mai, pour un numéro inédit ...

    • 45 s
    • Zahia Yalioua
  6. Eric Cartman est un personnage de la série animée South Park, créée par Trey Parker et Matt Stone. Il est un élève obèse, raciste et antisémite, qui vit des aventures extraordinaires avec ses amis Stan, Kyle et Kenny.

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