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  1. Gregory D. Gadson is an American actor, motivational speaker, and retired colonel in the U.S. Army. He lost both his legs in Iraq in 2007 and became one of the first military personnel to use a next-generation powered prosthetic knee.

  2. Le Colonel Gregory D. Gadson est un soldat de l'Armée de terre des États-Unis qui fut grièvement blessé en Irak. En 2007, son véhicule explosa sur un engin explosif improvisé, privant le Colonel Gregory G. Gadson de ses deux jambes et lui infligeant de graves séquelles au bras droit.

  3. 27 juin 2012 · Gadson became the first Army double amputee to lead a major installation in 2012. He lost his legs in Iraq in 2007 and returned to active duty after recovery.

  4. 14 mai 2024 · Retired Colonel Gregory D. Gadson, who lost his legs to an IED, inspires soldiers in recovery with his unwavering faith and courage. He shares his story of triumph over tragedy and offers hope to those who feel lost in despair.

  5. Greg Gadson is a combat-wounded veteran who lost both legs and partial use of his arm in Iraq. He serves as a managing partner of Patriot Strategies, LLC and a board member of the Gary Sinise Foundation, which supports veterans and first responders.

  6. A 25-year officer in the United States Army, Col. Greg Gadson’s life is a portrait of courage in the face of great adversity. In 2007, while returning from a memorial service for two soldiers from his brigade, he lost both his legs and normal use of his right arm to a roadside bomb in Iraq.

  7. Gregory D. Gadson is an actor and a retired Army colonel who lost both legs in Iraq. He starred in Battleship, NCIS: Los Angeles, and The Inspectors, among other roles.