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  1. › wiki › KehathKehath - Wikipedia

    Kehath or Kohath was the second son of Levi and the founder of one of the four Levite divisions in the Bible. Learn about his name, genealogy, descendants, and theories on his origin and role.

  2. KÉHATH. Voir les versets relatifs. Deuxième fils de Lévi ( Ge 46:11 ), réputé l'ancêtre de l'une des trois grandes familles de Lévites : les fils de Kéhath ou Kéhathites. Pas plus que leurs frères les Guersonites et les Mérarites, ils n'apparaissent en dehors de la tradition sacerdotale.

  3. Kohath was the second son of Levi and the grandfather of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. The Kohathites were among the most important levitical clans, serving in the Tabernacle and the Temple, and participating in various historical events.

  4. 4 janv. 2022 · Answer. The Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites were three clans of the Levite tribe in Israel (Numbers 26:57). Each clan was comprised of descendants of the man from whom the clan received its name. Kohath was the father of the Kohathites, Gershon the father of the Gershonites, and Merari the father of the Merarites.

  5. Kohath. Son of Levi, Genesis 46:11, and father of the Kohathites, who were appointed to carry the ark and sacred utensils of the tabernacle during the journeyings of the Israelites in the desert, Exodus 6:16 24; Numbers 4:4-15. Easton's Bible Dictionary.

  6. Kohath was the second son of Levi and the grandfather of Aaron, Moses and Miriam. He was the leader of the Kohathite branch of the Levitical families, who were responsible for the care and transport of the Tabernacle and its vessels.

  7. › wiki › KohathitesKohathites - Wikipedia

    The Kohathites were one of the four main divisions among the Levites in biblical times, the other three being the Gershonites, the Merarites, and the Aaronites (more commonly known as Kohanim). The Bible claims that the Kohathites were all descended from the eponymous Kohath, a son of Levi. [ 1]