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  1. Il y a 1 jour · Hello there! I have run into an issue with denoising after merging reads and quality filter. The issue seems to be some issue with SortMeRNA, though I'm not sure what. Here is the code I ran for the denoising: nohup qiime deblur denoise-16S --i-demultiplexed-seqs Bacteria-merged-filtered.qza --p-trim-length 372 --p-sample-stats --p-jobs-to-start 161 --o-stats deblur-stats.qza --o ...

  2. Il y a 1 jour · New Retail Price: $1,200.00. Hello there. I bought this on our whim thinking I would build a second system. Well, that didn’t happen so here it sits. I did hook it up in my big rig and was very surprised at the sound quality.

  3. Il y a 1 jour · Progress Update | 02/09/2024. Hello there you wonderful and extremely wholesome people! Another week, another month, another progress update! First, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart because of all the positive feedback you've given me on the five year anniversary post. It really warmed my heart reading all the comments and ...

  4. Il y a 1 jour · Therefore, indulging in the local cuisine stands as a top priority for our journey. :) I have done quite some research and so far the itinerary looks as following: - Tokyo 4 nights. - Kinosaki 2 nights (to visit the onsens) - Osaka 2 nights (visit Nara while staying there) - Kyoto 3 nights. - Tokyo 1 night (flying back the day after in the ...

  5. Il y a 1 jour · Cap_George. Hi guys, I've been involved in model aviation since the 1970s. A lot of that time was spent in RC and gliders. Over the last six years or so, I have become interested in indoor free flight. Using a capacitor as a power source for free flight aircraft has been one of my interests in indoor free flight for a couple of years now.

  6. Il y a 1 jour · Hello! I’m making a code executor plugin, and I’m currently making the player’s input text different colours based on different keywords. I’m using RichText and HTML tags to colour different keywords, but there’s a small issue when I try and colour strings and numbers green, it detects the font HTML tag and causes it to look all horrible because it replaces the HTML markup as well ...

  7. Il y a 1 jour · Voting by clicking on the image. creosmart. (@creosmart) 13 minutes ago. Hello, Is there an option or CSS code that allows clicking the image to also register a vote, or if that’s not possible, is there a way to prevent the image popup from opening? Please check the screenshot.