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  1. Il y a 12 heures · But for those who have other activities, it’s even more. Spanish MEP Jorge Buxadé Villalba declared he got €2,200 a month from the Vox party as its legal counsel and €18,000 per year as a private lawyer. That’s around €13,700 gross a month with the MEP income added. Vox said he was working on private cases only.

  2. Il y a 1 jour · Maiatzaren 14a – 2023ko Euskal Herriko Emakumezkoen Itzulia: Marlen Reusser irabazle. Ekainaren 11 – 2023ko Nafarroako Itzulia: Hugo Aznar irabazle. Uztailaren 1etik 23ra – 2023ko Frantziako Tourra Bilbotik abiatu zen eta lehenengo etapak Euskal Herrian barrena egin zituen: Uztailaren 1a – Lehen etapa: Bilbo - Bilbo.

  3. Il y a 2 heures · poesía, mujeres, poesie, poetry, femmes, mulheres,

  1. Recherches liées à louise herrero

    flore bonaventura