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  1. 1 nov. 2015 · According to the American Heritage Dictionary, if you use "genius" in any other meaning, including "an extremely intelligent human being", the correct plural form is "geniuses". Other dictionaries may list more meanings of the word, but the point remains that e.g. three persons with extraordinary mental capacity are geniuses, with "genii ...

  2. 16 déc. 2010 · Genius was originally different, but evolved to have a meaning that is similar to ingenious. It came to us from Latin, but it was originally Greek. According to the OED, it mainly had the meaning of, approximately, "genie" or similar type of spirit, in Latin. Figuratively, it was also used to mean "characteristic disposition; inclination; bent ...

  3. 29 avr. 2019 · I'm sure I have heard a quote in the past from someone famous (maybe Einstein? maybe not) about how it is easy to make something complicated but extremely difficult to make something simple.

  4. 22 déc. 2015 · @Clare - Robertson cannot be given the entire credit for the proverb, simply because he modified something that was already in existence, namely, the proverb ‘Great minds jump’ (where ‘jump’ is not to be understood in the sense of ‘push oneself off a surface, but in its now-obsolete form, meaning ‘completely agree’).

  5. Talent和Genius都有“天赋、天才”的含义,那两者的区别是什么呢?. 其实很简单。. genius的语义比talent强。. Talent更贴近汉语的“才华、天赋、才能”,genius则只对应汉语中的“天才”。. 二十世纪英国著名道德哲学家伯纳德·威廉斯曾经说过这样一句话:. Talent is ...

  6. I've noticed that there is a slight difference between typical British and American usage of these words. In the U.S., clever usually implies a certain amount of ingenuity, while smart implies general intelligence or knowledge. There is a feeling of lightness to clever; it is usually used for "little" things like a quick wit in conversation.

  7. › topic › 19550326Genius Bar - 知乎

    Genius Bar. 体验并不好。. 一直听说天才吧的服务是如何贴心、工作人员是如何专业,却从没机会体验。. 刚好上个月 (2017年11月)我的Mac系统出了点问题,耗电量陡增。. 那就回答一波 apple的所有返厂情况不对外公开 不过apple官网里面的技术支持里面搜索维修状态 ...

  8. 23 mars 2015 · You could pronounce it as. participants. participants's (i.e. "participantses") Occasionally, I prefer to pronounce participants' like I would participants's, which is "participantses". That occasional preference of mine is for clarity, but sounds awkward. Awkward because. users' sounds horrible as "userses".

  9. 18 mars 2011 · Some words have the same etymology, root, but mean different things, such as mysterious and mystical. What are some other pairs (or more) that fall into this category, and what exactly is this cat...

  10. 5 déc. 2014 · Let then the World be witness,/ All that is Honest, Sacred, Good and Just,/ Be Witnesses the Powers of Heav’n and earth,/ With this Embrace I pardon thee thy Errors,/ I bid thee welcome, as my better Angel:/ Thou shalt direct in all my Bosom Councils;/ My Genius ; O! and while I hold thee thus,/ Methinks I press my Father in my Arms.

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