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  1. Il y a 4 heures · The Washington Post via Getty Images. Charles Starling, a lineman with Team Fishel, is pelted with rain as he walks by a row of electrical ... [+] line trucks staged in a field in The Villages ...

  2. Il y a 3 heures · The Washington Post via Getty Images. According to research from Johns Hopkins University, approximately 5% of American school children are homeschooled. That is just a few points shy of the ...

  3. Il y a 13 heures · Der US-Journalismus scheitert weiter daran, über Trump, seine Gefolgschaft und autoritäre Tendenzen zu berichten. Ein Aufschrei (der auch anderswo nützlich sein könnte)

  4. Il y a 13 heures · Wizyta prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego w USA rozzłościła niektórych Republikanów, którzy zarzucają mu mieszanie się w amerykańską politykę przed listopadowymi wyborami ...

  5. Il y a 13 heures · The Washington Post vier Wochen gratis lesen Ihr Qualitäts-Ticket der : Holen Sie sich exklusive Recherchen und 200+ Geschichten vier Wochen gratis .

  6. Il y a 13 heures · JD Vance was privately criticizing Donald Trump’s performance as president just four years ago, according to a report.Direct messages sent by the current Republican vice presidential nominee to an unnamed acquaintance on Twitter, now known as X, show him condemning his future running mate’s record in office, according to The Washington Post. “Trump has just so thoroughly failed to ...

  7. Il y a 13 heures · She told The Washington Post: "It's very lonely and isolating because I knew no one my age who had lost a partner. I needed to find people who could relate because I wanted to know how to go on.

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