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  1. Kyung Hee University Home. Home; Profiles; Research units; Research output; Projects; Press/Media; Search by expertise, name or affiliation. View Scopus Profile. Suk-Ho Choi. Professor *Honorable Professor; Applied Physics; College of Applied Science; Glo ...

  2. Opening of first IT platform-based ‘Integrated Dental Examination Center’ in Korea - Prevention of oral diseases through comprehensive examinations such as precision imaging and fluorescence analysis - Integrated results are presented by dental health score and oral age as the top priority for patient convenience On 15th of April, 2019 Kyung Hee University Dental Hospital held an opening ...

  3. Kyung Hee University Home. Home; Profiles; Research units; Research output; Projects; Press/Media; Search by expertise, name or affiliation. View Scopus Profile. Suk-Won Choi. Professor . Advanced Materials Engineering for Information & Electronics; Colle ...

  4. 27 mai 2020 · US Patent Issued to UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY COOPERATION GROUP OF KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY, DONG-A ST on May 26 for "Pharmaceutical composition containing combination extracts of Moutan Root Bark, Angelica Dahurica Root, bupleurum root or fractions thereof for pre. Kim, Y., Kim, S. J. & Sohn, W. 27/05/20. 1 item of Media coverage. Press/Media

  5. Kyung Hee University College of Medicine Reports Findings in COVID-19 (Psychosocial alterations during the COVID-19 pandemic and the global burden of anxiety and major depressive disorders in adolescents, 1990-2021: challenges in mental health ...) Kim, J.-Y., Kim, J. S., Lee, J. & Yon, D. K. 3/09/24. 1 item of Media coverage. Press/Media

  6. Kyung Hee Medical Science. Kyung Hee Medical Center; Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong; Colleges & Graduate Schools; Research Centers; Research Institutions . Affiliated Research Centers; National Research Centers; Major Research Projects. WCU; BK21; HK; Research Support. Funding & Research Activities; Research Portal

  7. Kyung Hee University L'université possède ses propres résidences universitaires pour les étudiants. Ça peut apporter aux étudiants une vie sociale passionnante, et des fois est moins chère que le logement privé.