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  1. Il y a 18 heures · Jean-Luc Melenchon, hard left france unbowed party. Melenchon, 72, is a pugnacious veteran of left-wing politics in France. He held ministerial posts in past governments, when he was a member of the Socialist Party. He ran for president in 2012, 2017 and 2022, improving his score each time.

  2. Il y a 18 heures · The fourth party in the alliance is the PCF, one of the oldest parties in Europe. For long, it was the main force on the postwar French left and also served in Lionel Jospin’s PS-led government from 1997 to 2002. The party still aims to “overcome” capitalism, but is pragmatic about doing it. What makes NFP:

  3. Il y a 18 heures · Hal ini terjadi antara tahun 1997 dan 2002, ketika Perdana Menteri Sosialis Lionel Jospin bertugas di bawah Presiden Konservatif Jacques Chirac. Namun Partai Sosialis hanyalah partai terkuat kedua ...

  4. Il y a 18 heures · Hal ini terjadi antara tahun 1997 dan 2002, ketika Perdana Menteri Sosialis Lionel Jospin bertugas di bawah Presiden Konservatif Jacques Chirac. Namun Partai Sosialis hanyalah partai terkuat kedua dalam aliansi NFP, dengan rendahnya peringkat dukungan terhadap Hollande telah membuka jalan bagi kebangkitan LFI yang dipimpin Melenchon.

  5. Il y a 18 heures · Other figures on the left, while reluctant to address the question of who they believed should be prime minister, were taken aback by his comments: former president François Hollande, running in Corrèze's 1st constituency, opined that Mélenchon should "keep his mouth shut," former prime minister Lionel Jospin said that he was hearing "just about everywhere, and particularly from voters of ...

  6. Il y a 18 heures · Meski tidak berhasil memenangkan mayoritas mutlak, Aliansi sayap kiri Prancis, Front Populer Baru (NFP) muncul sebagai pemenang dengan perolehan kursi

  7. Il y a 18 heures · Nils Schmid, porte-parole des affaires étrangères du Parti social-démocrate allemand, à Manama, Bahreïn, le 21 novembre 2021. MAZEN MAHDI / AFP Député fédéral depuis 2017, Nils Schmid est le porte-parole du groupe social-démocrate (SPD) au Bundestag pour la politique étrangère.

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